Posts in Health
9 Amazing Things that Happen When You "Level-Up" Your Mobility

Mobility is incredibly important for retaining the ability to move and play, as well as maintaining independence, as we age. Mobility — also known as active flexibility or active range of motion — is the ability to control joints and muscles throughout a range of motion, meaning the muscles can be contracted and strength can be exerted throughout that range of motion. Being mobile allows for more movement possibilities, as it encompasses flexibility and the strength to use that flexibility. When people say they want to be more “flexible”, what they actually mean is that they want to be more “mobile”.

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10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Lift Kettlebells

Kettlebell training is THE most efficient way to get functionally strong and fit. As a World Champion kettlebell lifter, I can say that without a doubt, kettlebells are one of the best “bang for your buck” tools to improve your health and fitness -- especially if you work at a desk for a living! I firmly believe that everyone would benefit from lifting kettlebells: children, desk jockeys, athletes and grandmothers alike. Here are 10 reasons why everyone should lift kettlebells…

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The Cargo Cult of Fitness

The cargo cult of fitness is that everyone wants to build a fit body that looks good (the airplane with material goods), but they want to use a get-fit-quick scheme to do it, such as a crash diet or a new fitness fad (the runway). Instead of changing their lifestyle, they use an approach that is oversimplified, inconsistent, and lacks an understanding of the body as a system. 

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The Aspect of Health No One Talks About

While I’m generally a happy person, I have experienced times of sadness, doubt, fear, and purposelessness. In fact, I regularly have periods of time where I feel anxious and/or low. I find it hard to share my negative emotions with others when I’m in that place. I know that other people go through similarly challenging periods. Many actions you can take to improve your mental state are low-hanging fruit, while others are a bit more complicated...

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The Thing I Hate About the Fitness Industry

You can’t blame trainers and nutritionists who fulfill the demand, because we all gotta eat, but… are one-size-fits-all nutrition and fitness programs really helping anyone? Shouldn’t trainers teach people an approach that allows for individuality and sets them up for success in the long run? 

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