KB Fit Britt

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Healthy Doesn't Mean Complicated!

One of the most common responses I get when I talk to people about making healthy changes to their diet is “I don’t have time to cook.”

While I completely understand that most people live a busy life that leaves little time or energy at the end of the day to prepare food, the misconception here is that cooking a fresh, healthy meal is complicated.

Here is an example of a quick, easy side dish that takes less than 10 minutes to prepare. Top with a fried egg and serve with avocado, tomato, and a slice of bread for a delicious lunch or dinner.

Mushrooms & spinach cooked in coconut oil with garlic, red pepper flakes, and a pinch of salt. Saute for 3-5 minutes until spinach wilts.

Want more healthy meal ideas? Sign up to receive a FREE 5-day meal plan at mykorstrength.com/nutrition.