KB Fit Britt

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Kettlebell KOR Workout

Have you ever wondered what that giant yellow piece of graffiti art in the background of my videos is? That's one of our talented clients' rendering of the KOR logo. KOR Strength and Conditioning is the gym I coach at in North Park, San Diego. We are a kettlebell gym; we offer all styles of kettlebell lifting, plus strength training, conditioning, mobility, small group training, private training, etc. We are home to one of the biggest Kettlebell Sport teams in the United States. I've been lucky to call this place my home in San Diego since I moved here three years ago!

Along with being home to the infamous graffiti art on the wall, KOR also has some amazing trainers. I'm bringing this up because today's workout is inspired by my friend and owner of KOR, Kristen Karhio!

Last week I watched her coach a class and I loved the way she paired up some of the most effective kettlebell movements with high-intensity bodyweight exercises. Then I tacked on an epic finisher... Give it a try and let me know what you think!