KB Fit Britt

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Kettlebell Leg Day Workout

Kettlebells are an excellent tool for training lower body strength, power, and balance. When it comes to leg day, it’s hard to beat the basics of deadlifts, squats, and lunges, so we will include some of those. I’ve also added a couple more fun and challenging drills as a nice add onto the basics! While it’s good to be sore from leg day, remember to start slow and on the lower end of the set range. You can always do more another day!

Complete 2-5 sets of the following exercises:

  1. Sumo deadlift 2 KB 8

  2. Front squat 2 KB 8

  3. Loaded lunge 2 KB 8 (4 per leg)

  4. Thigh circle with pulse 1 KB 8 per leg (16 total)

  5. Alternating side lunge 1 KB 8 per leg (16 total)

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