KB Fit Britt

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Rockin' Rotation Kettlebell Workout

I’ve been lifting kettlebells for many years, and I’ll be the first to say most kettlebell programs are lacking something… and that’s training rotational movement patterns. While there’s nothing wrong with getting very strong in the sagittal plane, too big of an imbalance increases the risk for pain and injury. In addition to maces, clubbells, and Bulgarian bags, I’ve found that Rotational Movement Training (RMT) methods from WeckMethod are an awesome way to educate the body. Incorporating RMT principles into kettlebell training is fun and translates into becoming better at locomotion!

Workout instructions:

Use a light kettlebell, especially if you're unfamiliar with the movements. Rest as needed between rounds, or if you're up for a challenge, try to complete all repetitions without setting the bell down!

Prior to completing the workout, I recommend warming up with several rounds of the royal coil.

Complete 5-4-3-2-1 reps per side:

  1. Skater Swing (alternating)

  2. RMT Clean

  3. RMT Press

  4. Windmill

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