KB Fit Britt

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KB Fit Britt and Kettlebell Kings present: What is Kettlebell Sport? An Intro

From the Kettlebell Kings blog:

For the most part kettlebells are mainstream fitness items now. Most people have heard of them or used them, but most people are still unfamiliar with Kettlebell Sport. Today we are going to give you a quick tutorial on Kettlebell Sport from one of the top competitive kettlebell athletes in the world, Brittany van Schravendijk.

One of the things we really like about Kettlebell Sport is how easy it is to get started with equipment, full CrossFit accessories require a number of plates, barbells, racks, ropes and more. To start training for Kettlebell Sport, you just need a kettlebell or two. Second, it is competitive, we are big believers in competitive fitness. Whether you are competing against yourself or others, competition brings out the best in most people and gives you something to work towards whether it is losing weight, improving strength or winning competitions.

Additionally, anyone can compete. A variety of weight classes and kettlebell weights exist to compete in.

The Basics of Kettlebell Sport:

- Endurance kettlebell lifting, lifters have 10 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. - Efficiency and technique are important to maintain energy throughout set.

The Benefits of Kettlebell Sport:

1) Great goals to motivate your workouts.

2) Blend of strength, endurance, balance and coordination in one workout equals efficiency.

3) Guild amazing mental tenacity that carries over to other aspects of life.

In the video below, Brittany goes over Kettlebell Sport, the lifts which lifters compete in and more. We believe this is how you can take your workouts to the next level and reach ANY fitness goal you have!

Visit KettlebellKings.com/kettlebell-sport-ser­ies to see the equipment that Brittany and other world record holders train with!

Brittany is a Master of Sport, World Record Holder, and National Record Holder in Kettlebell Sport. She learned how to lift kettlebells at one of the top Kettlebell Sport gyms in the United States, Ice Chamber, which has produced seven female Master of Sport lifters to date (Brittany is the most recent one).

Visit KettlebellKings.com/kettlebell-sport-ser­ies to see the equipment that Brittany and other world record holders train with!