Super Swing Kettlebell Workout

Many of my workouts lately have drawn inspiration from the kettlebell training program I recently completed, which is called KPP Solo. Working through this program has helped me go back to basics and discover deficits that I had skipped over previously. Slowing down, revisiting foundational movements, and exploring new ways to move with the kettlebell has done wonders for reigniting my love for kettlebells and improving my connection to my body! The program also included breathwork after every workout, which I’ve added into today’s workout for you. If you take the time to do it, I think you’ll really benefit from taking the time to breathe and bring yourself back to a state of calm after exercising.

Complete 1 set of the following exercises:

  1. Handcuff hinge: 10 reps in narrow, medium, and wide stances

  2. Tempo lateral deadlift 10 per side

  3. A turn handoff swing 20

  4. U turn handoff swing 20

  5. Kickstand A turn handoff swing 10 per side

  6. Alternating kickstand A turn handoff swing 20

  7. Around the body handoff 20 each direction

  8. Two hand swing 20

  9. Complete 5 min of nasal belly breathing

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