Mad Minute Kettlebell Workout

You know what the hardest part of creating my weekly workouts is? Coming up with a good name for the workout! Usually the names that come to my mind are B-O-R-I-N-G, so I use an alliteration to try to spice it up. Hopefully that worked with this one! ;)

Complete 1 minute of each exercise and repeat for 3-5 rounds:

  1. Swing to Squat: Complete one swing and one goblet squat, then repeat. Feel free to use a hinge or pendulum style swing (the latter is shown in the video).

  2. Side Lunge: Take a wide stance, then sink into a squat on one leg, keeping the other leg straight. Come back to center, then do the same on the other side. Alternate sides throughout.

  3. Lunge to Halo: Step back into a lunge, then perform a halo, rotating toward the front leg. Come back to standing, then repeat on the other leg, performing the halo in the opposite direction.

  4. Deadlift to Push Up: Perform a deadlift, then hop the feet back to come into a plank position. Perform a push up with both hands on the kettlebell handle, or alternatively, hands on the floor.

  5. Bear Crawl: Begin in the quadruped position with knees hovering 1-2 inches above the ground. Crawl slowly, keeping the hands underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips. Crawl in different directions for extra challenge and extra fun!

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