3 Drills for Thoracic Spine Mobility

If you work at a desk, chances are you need better upper back mobility, which can affect breathing, posture, and shoulder function. The ability to flex, extend, and rotate the thoracic spine is best practiced frequently (daily if possible). Even just a few minutes a day can make a big difference! Check out the following 3 drills for a few ideas on how to mobilize your thoracic spine.

1. Thoracic Spine CARs

Hug your favorite ball (a med ball or ballast ball like the one I'm using in the video works great), and be sure to tuck your pelvis under and squeeze your glutes so the lower back doesn't get too involved. Flex forward around the ball, rotate to one side, side bend, extend up and back, then rotate to the other side, side bend, and return to forward flexion. Reverse directions. Complete 2-5 reps per side.

2. Thoracic Spine Coordination Drills

Begin by extending and flexing the thoracic spine (use an inhale to extend, and an exhale to flex). Then, try translating your ribcage from side to side. Once you've got both of those down, try a full circle! These are tougher than they look, so they will take some practice to get good at. Complete 5-10 reps per exercise.

3. Wall Thoracic Extension

Start a foot or two away from the wall (farther from the wall = harder) and press your chest into the wall, reaching the arms up straight so the hands are directly over the shoulders. Think of simultaneously pushing the chest in, and pulling the hips away to traction the spine. Hold for a few seconds, then come away from the wall to release, flexing the spine and tucking the tailbone under. Complete 8-12 reps.

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